1. Mention what are the main language or platform used for web-design?
The main language used for web-designing are2. Explain how can you set an image as a background on web pages?
To set an image as a background on web page, point the body background to the name of your image you want to set as a background as shown below.< /head >tag.
< body background= “picture.gif”>
You can also fix the background image, so while using the scroll bar in the browser, it does not move. To do this add the BGPROPERTIES tag as shown below
< body background = “picture.gif”bgproperties=”fixed”>
3. Mention what do you mean by Responsive design on a web page?
Responsive design is a technique to building sites to produce an optimal viewing and interaction experience. It focuses on easy navigation of site with a minimum of scrolling, panning and resizing across all devices. Bootstrap is the most popular CSS, HTML and JS framework used for developing responsive web design4. Mention what are the some bad examples of web design?
There are few bad examples for Web design they are:5. Explain what is Information Architecture?
On web page information architecture is often referred to the structure and steersman ship of an entire site.6. Explain how can you align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other?
In order to align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other, use the align statement in your IMG SRC tag. < IMG SRC = “http://www.xyz.com/chguy.gif” align=top > Also, you can use align=top or you can do align=middle/bottom7. Explain what is a Dreamweaver Template?
Dreamweaver Templates enables webmasters to define “non-editable” and “editable” regions of a webpage, only in Dreamweaver template the “non-editable” regions can be edited. Any changes implemented to the Dreamweaver Template will update any HTML pages that use the template.8. Explain what is the difference between “visibility:hidden” and “display:none”?
They are both style properties visibility:hidden: This property hides the element, but it still takes up space in the layout Display:none: It eliminates the element completely from the document. It does not take up any space, even though the HTML for it is still in the source code.9. In CSS when you will use CSS float?
In CSS, you would use CSS float when you want to make an element of your page be pushed to the right or left and make other elements wrap around it.10. Why should a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF instead of JPG?
It is preferable to store the image in GIF format if image consists of certain words because JPG has file compression features which may render the fonts unreadable.11. Explain how can you integrate CSS file to your webpage?
To integrate CSS file with any number of HTML files, you have to integrate the file after the < head > tag using “Link” property.< head >< Link REL=STYLESHEET HREF= “filename.css”Type=“text/css”>< /head >