1. What is the Description for kernel?
Kernel is the master program with UNIX operating system that powers the resources of the computer. The resources allocation to various users and tasks handle by this section. Kernel do not have direct communication with the user and it starts separate interactive program call shell to each user when login to the system.2. What are features of UNIX?
3. What is called shell?
The interface between user and system called a shell. Shell accepts commands and set them to execute for user operations.4. What are the responsibilities of UNIX?
5. What is the General format of UNIX command syntax?
In general consideration, UNIX shell commands follows the following pattern Command (-argument) (-argument) (-argument) (file name).6. What are the various IDs in UNIX process?
Process ID is a unique integer that UNIX uses to recognize each process. The process performs to initiate other processes is called parent process and its ID is defined as PPID (Parent Process ID)..7. What is meant by super user?
The entry with all files and commands within the system is called super user. Generally, super user login is to root and secured with the root password.8. Discuss the difference between swapping and pagging?
Swapping – Complete process is moved to main memory for execution. To provide the memory requirement, process size must be less than the available main memory capacity. The implementation is easy but is an overhead to the system. Memory handling is not more flexible with swapping systems.Paging – Only the needed memory pages are moved to the main memory for performance. The size of the process does not a matter of execution and it no needs to be less than available memory size. Permit a number of processes to load to main memory simultaneously.
9. What is called piping?
“piping” is used to merge two or more commands together. The output of the first command work as the input of the second command and so on. Pipe character (|) is represent piping.10. Enlist the various commands that are used to know about the user information in UNIX?
Id: shows the active user id with login and group.Last: shows the last login of the user in the system.
Who: controls who is logged onto the system.
groupadd admin: this command is used to add group ‘admin’.
Usermod –a: user to add existing user to the group.