1. How do you define Teradata? Give some of the primary characteristics of the same.
An RDMS which is applied to drive the Datamart, Datawarehouse, OLAP, OLTP, as well as DSS devices of the company is Teradata.
Some of the primary characteristics of Teradata are given below.
2. What are the newly developed features of Teradata?
The features of Teradata are :3. Highlight a few of the important components of Teradata.
Important components of Teradata are :4. Mention the procedure via which, we can run Teradata jobs in a UNIX environment.
The procedure by which we can run Teradata is perform completion in UNIX by the following method.$Sh > BTEQ < [Script Path] > [Logfile Path]
$Sh > BTEQ < [Script Path] TEE [Logfile Path]