1. What is CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a styling language which is simple enough for HTML elements. It is famous in web designing, and its application is common in XHTML also.2. What is the origin of CSS?
Standard Generalized Markup Language marked the beginning of style sheets in 1980s.3. What are the different variations of CSS?
The variations for CSS are:4. What are the limitations of CSS?
Limitations are:5. What are the advantages of CSS?
Advantages are:6. What are CSS frameworks?
It is a pre-planned libraries, which allows easier and more standards-compliant webpage styling, using CSS language.7. Who maintains the CSS specifications?
World Wide Web Consortium maintains the CSS specifications.8. In how many ways can a CSS be integrated as a web page?
CSS can be integrated in three ways:9. What benefits and demerits do External Style Sheets have?
Benefits:10. Discuss the merits and demerits of Embedded Style Sheets?
Merits of Embedded Style Sheets:Demerits of Embedded Style Sheets:
11. What does CSS selector mean?
A string equivalent of HTML elements by which declarations or a set of it, is declared and is a link that can be referred for linking HTML and Style sheet is CSS selector.12. Differentiate Style Sheet concept from HTML?
While HTML provides easy structure method, it lacks styling, unlike Style sheets. Moreover, style sheets have better browser capabilities and formatting options.13. Describe ‘ruleset’?
Ruleset identifies the selectors that can be attached to other selectors. It has two parts:14. Define Declaration block?
A catalog of directions within braces consisting of property, colon and value is called declaration block.e.g.: [property 1: value 3]
15. What is the usage of Class selector?
Class Selectors are peculiar to a specific style, declaration of style and association with HTML can be made by this. Syntax: Classname it can be A-Z, a-z or digits. .top {font: 14em ;}, class selector < body class= “top”> this class is associated with element body >16. What is CSS Box Model and what are its elements?
CSS box defines design and layout of elements. The elements of CSS Box are:Margin: the top most layer, the complete frame is shown
Border: the padding and content option with a border around it is shown. Background color strike the border.
Padding: Space is shown. Background colour strike the border.
Content: Actual content is shown.
17. Compare RGB values with Hexadecimal color codes?
A color can be specified in two ways:A color is represented by 6 characters i.e. hexadecimal color coding. It is a combination of numbers and letters and is preceded by #. e.g.: g {color: #00cjfi}
A color is represented by a mixture of red, green and blue. The value of a color can also be identified. e.g.: rgb(r,g,b): In this type the values can be in between the integers 0 and 255. rgb(r%,g%,b%): red, green and blue percentage is shown.